Aims & Objectives


The Convent of Jesus and Mary, Shimla, run by the Sisters of Jesus & Mary Educational Society, Shimla, Maintains those Aims and Objectives of the society under whose protection and guidance they function. Teachers of the Convent of Jesus and Mary will therefore uphold these aims and objectives of the Society, in their efforts to serve God and the Community.

The primary aim of the teachers of the Convent of Jesus & Mary, is to make God known and loved-therefore the spiritual development of all their pupils should be their prime concern.

Through the development and strengthening of the spiritual foundation of the child, the teacher directs her efforts to the establishment of a healthy social order. By education and social action, they help the youth to grow. They accept responsibility for the all round development of the child, preparing her to live confidently in a rapidly changing world and to be an effective agent in the betterment of society.

For this will :- Help the child to grasp basic human values viz self discipline honesty, self-reliance etc. which will be evident in her actions and reactions in every real-life situation. They will help the child to explore her potential and develop her skills and abilities, thus enabling an impact on her home, her neighbourhood and her country.

School : Among the means of education, we recognise that, for us, the school excels all others. It is the special place where young people, through the culture transmitted to them, penetrate more deeply into the rich traditions of the religious community, of their own country, and of the whole world. The school develops, unifies, and enriches their personality by an education which is attentive to the individual, open to the world, and based on Christian values.

To this end :-

  • God must be the centre of every educational project — A family atmosphere will develop good interpersonal relationships which promote charity ;
  • Formation in habits of work help the pupils to acquire a solid culture in a spirit of service and responsibility for others;
  • Real sharing among all those engaged in the school creates a mature educational community, founded on faith, where the pupils can discover the Christian values of charity, and justice, and live according to them;
  • Openness to the world encourages the pupils to commit themselves to building up a more fraternal and evangelical society.
  • We seek means of understanding the young and of communicating, deeply with them so as to create harmony between their culture values, and those of the Christian values. Our professional work is not limited to our teaching assignment, but further supposes, that we are constantly available to our pupils, helping them to grow strong in freedom, and attain an integral formation.